LED becomes required!
LED becomes required!
Parliament takes motion for mandatory LED lighting by July 1, 2020
The parliament adopted a motion to obligate companies to use only LED lighting no later than July 1, 2020.
GroenLinks MP Tom van der Lee and CDA MP Agnes Mulder subjected the motion earlier this week together. The motion reads as follows: "noting that the requirement of LED lights in the service sector can yield 0.9 megaton of CO2 profit; Whereas the purchase of LED lighting through lower energy bills pays for itself over time; entices the government, enterprises to obligate the use of LED lighting by the latest July 1 2020; entices the government also to set a good example by switching to LED lighting in its buildings and facilities, and proceeds to the order of the day. "
Constitutionally, the Cabinet may disregard an adopted motion, but given the broad support in the parliament, this is not very likely: 95 MPs voted for the motion and 55 members against the motion. The opponents were from 3 fractions, in which 1 party voted against the motion. Besides the VVD, PVV and the Forum voor Democratie voted against the motion.
Source LED Magazine (www.ledmagazine.nl)
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